Wisp Projector

Wisp Projector


Elite Item

Required Level: 76
Item Level: 84
10% Chance To Cast Level 16 Lightning On Striking
Lightning Absorb +10-20%
10-20% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Level 7 Spirit Of Barbs (11 Charges)
Level 5 Heart Of Wolverine (13 Charges)
Level 2 Oak Sage (15 Charges)

Wisp Projector Price Information:

Avg.Price: Um-30 Ist runes or more

* The price information are meant as a rough estimate of what each item is worth and are not meant as a final say of its value. Use it as a pointer as to how to price your item. The prices were set in the ladder season of Diablo II right before the D2Resurrected was released, by the user Grimbadul. Prices fluctuate during a season and are different from ladder/non-ladder.