Runewords | Stats | Comments |
Ancient's PledgeRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 21 Shields | +50% Enhanced Defense Cold Resist +43% Fire Resist +48% Lightning Resist +48% Poison Resist +48% +10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana | Players are given the runes for this when completing the Act5 Quest 'Rescue On Mount Arreat'. While not possessing anything too special, Ancient's Pledge is a cheap, easy way to raise resistances, making it popular in Nightmare and Hell. Rune Cost: Lowest |
BeastRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 63 Axes, Hammers, Scepters | Level 9 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped +40% Increased Attack Speed +240-270% Enhanced Damage +20% Chance Of Crushing Blow +25% Chance Of Open Wounds +3 To Werebear +3 To Lycanthropy Prevent Monster Heal +25-40 To Strength +10 To Energy +2 To Mana After Each Kill Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 Charges) | Beast is a rune word typical for characters who use their basic attack as their damage output. A character with Beast equipped gains a Fanaticism aura and can cast Werebear, even if they are not a Druid. Its Fanaticism Aura makes it an excellent weapon for Necromancers, as it affects all the summoned melee skeletons and monsters. Rune Cost: High |
BlackRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 35 Clubs, Hammers, Maces | +15% Increased Attack Speed +120% Enhanced Damage +200 To Attack Rating Adds 3-14 Cold Damage Over (3 Seconds) +40% Chance Of Crushing Blow Knockback +10 To Vitality Magic Damage Reduced by 2 Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges) | With 40% Crushing Blow and the 15% IAS, this rune word can deal out a lot of damage for a low cost. But the Knockback mod can be annoying, given that this rune word can only be assembled in a melee weapon. Rune Cost: Low |
BoneRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 47 Armor | 15% Chance To Cast Level 10 Bone Armor When Struck 15% Chance To Cast Level 10 Bone Spear On Striking +2 To Necromancer Skill Levels +100-150 To Mana All Resistances +30 Damage Reduced By 7 | Meant for the Necromancer class, Bone provides the cheapest way to get +2 Skills and resistance on body armor. Note that the 15% Chance to cast level 10 Bone Armor when struck will override your existing Bone Armor. Rune Cost: Medium |
BrambleRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 47 Armor | Level 15-21 Thorns Aura When Equipped +50% Faster Hit Recovery +25-50% To Poison Skill Damage +300 Defense Increase Maximum Mana 5% Regenerate Mana 15% +5% To Maximum Cold Resist Fire Resist +30% Poison Resist +100% +13 Life After Each Kill Level 13 Spirit Of Barbs (33 Charges) | Targeted for poison users, Bramble might be useful for Poison Necromancers, Poison Javelin Amazons, and Druids using Rabies. Rune Cost: High |
BrandRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 65 Missile Weapons | 35% Chance To Cast Level 14 Amplify Damage When Struck 100% Chance To Cast Level 18 Bone Spear On Striking Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts +260-340% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense 20% Bonus To Attack Rating +280-330% Damage To Demons +20% Deadly Strike Prevent Monster Heal Knockback | Provides a big damage bonus, especially to demons. The combination of the Amplify Damage curse and ignoring the target's defense is quite deadly. The Faith rune word is more popular with Bowazons, while Brand is more useful with Paladin builds which already benefit from Fanatism or Enchantress Sorceresses, who use Exploding Arrows with Enchant. Rune Cost: High |
Breath of the DyingRequired Sockets: 6Character lvl Req: 69 All Weapons | 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Poison Nova When You Kill An Enemy Indestructible +60% Increased Attack Speed +350-400% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense +50 To Attack Rating +200% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit 12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal +30 To All Attributes +1 To Light Radius Requirements -20% | One of the most powerful weapon rune words outside of the ladder, BOTD is extremely useful for melee characters. Most used in an ethereal Berserker Axe due to it providing the most damage per second for a one-handed weapon. Requires the extremely rare Zod rune which makes the weapon Indestructible. Rune Cost: High |
BulwarkRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 35 Headgear (Ladder only) | +20% Faster Hit Recovery 4-6% Life Stolen Per Hit +75-100% Enhanced Defense +10 To Vitality Increase Maximum Life +5% Replenish Life +30 Damage Reduced By 7 Physical Damage Received Reduced by 10-15% | Rune Cost: Low |
Call to ArmsRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 57 Weapons | +1 To All Skills +40% Increased Attack Speed +240-290% Enhanced Damage Adds 5-30 Fire Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +2-6 To Battle Command +1-6 To Battle Orders +1-4 To Battle Cry Prevent Monster Heal Replenish Life +12 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items | Extremely useful because of the Battle Orders and Battle Commands skills. While it provides a great weapon damage boost, this rune word is mostly found in the secondary weapon slot on a swappable weapon. This makes it an attractive rune word for every character as it benefits everyone without having to equip it on your main gear. Be aware that while the skill bonuses stack on Barbarians, they are limited to +3. Rune Cost: HighPrice InformationWith +1 Battle Orders: 2-3 Ist With +3 Battle Orders: 3-6 Ist With +6 Battle Orders: 1 Ber A Perfect 6/6/4 roll: Around 5 Ber |
Chains of HonorRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 63 Armor | +2 To All Skills +200% Damage To Demons +100% Damage To Undead 8% Life Stolen Per Hit +70% Enhanced Defense +20 To Strength Replenish Life +7 All Resistances +65 Damage Reduced By 8% 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items | Very expensive to make, Chain of Honor is slightly geared towards melee fighters due to the life steal. But it is still one of the best choices for body armor for nearly any build. Excellent body armor with +2 skills, a big bonus to all resistances and damage reduction. Rune Cost: High |
ChaosRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 57 Claws | 9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking 11% Chance To Cast Level 9 Charged Bolt On Striking +35% Increased Attack Speed +240-290% Enhanced Damage Adds 216-471 Magic Damage +25% Chance Of Open Wounds +1 To Whirlwind +10 To Strength +15 Life After Each Demon Kill | Popular to use in PvP duels, it is commonly combined with Assassins Blade Fury skill. Rune Cost: High |
Crescent MoonRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 47 Axes, Polearms & Swords | 10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking 7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking +20% Increased Attack Speed +180-220% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense -35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance +25% Chance Of Open Wounds +9-11 Magic Absorb +2 To Mana After Each Kill Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges) | Useful for Lightning Sorceresses and Holy Shock Paladins. By featuring a chance to cast Static Field it rewards characters with fast attack speed who can trigger it frequently. Easier to gather compared to Infinity which also provides a minus to enemy lightning resist. Rune Cost: Medium |
CureRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 35 Headgear (Ladder only) | Level 1 Cleansing Aura When Equipped +20% Faster Hit Recovery +75-100% Enhanced Defense +10 To Vitality Increase Maximum Life +5% Poison Resist +40-60% Poison Length Reduced By 50% | Rune Cost: Low |
DeathRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 55 Swords & Axes | Indestructible 100% Chance To Cast Level 44 Chain Lightning When You Die 25% Chance To Cast Level 18 Glacial Spike On Attack +300-385% Enhanced Damage 20% Bonus To Attack Rating +50 To Attack Rating Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit +50% Chance Of Crushing Blow (0.5*Clvl)% To Deadly Strike (Based On Character Level) 1 To Light Radius Level 22 Blood Golem (15 Charges) Requirements -20% | Offer indestructibility for ethereal weapons and almost as much damage bonus as Breath of the Dying. With Crushing Blow and Deadly Strike it can be more damaging on average but much cheaper to create. It does lack some useful filler stats and can only be created in swords and axes. Rune Cost: High |
DeliriumRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 51 Headgear | 1% Chance To Cast Level 50 Delirium When Struck 6% Chance To Cast Level 14 Mind Blast When Struck 14% Chance To Cast Level 13 Terror When Struck 11% Chance To Cast Level 18 Confuse On Striking +2 To All Skills +261 Defense +10 To Vitality 50% Extra Gold From Monsters 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Level 17 Attract (60 Charges) | The Delirium Proc turns the caster into a level 50 Bone Fetish for around a minute. This is not a positive buff, which makes this rune word best to use as a Druid which can transform back into a Werewolf or Werebear. Besides being useful in a Druid Pelt with +3 to skills the rest of the modifiers are quite lackluster, Jalal's Mane is overall a more useful helm. If you want to go Magic find, the Harlequin Crest is a better option, especially since it is a lot cheaper to trade for. Some like to use this on the Act 1 mercenary to leverage the high change to confuse enemies. Rune Cost: High |
DestructionRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 65 Polearms, Swords | 23% Chance To Cast Level 12 Volcano On Striking 5% Chance To Cast Level 23 Molten Boulder On Striking 100% Chance To Cast Level 45 Meteor When You Die 15% Chance To Cast Level 22 Nova On Attack +350% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense Adds 100-180 Magic Damage 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit +20% Chance Of Crushing Blow +20% Deadly Strike Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Dexterity | The various attributes on Destruction serve more as eye candy than they are useful especially considered the number of rare runes it takes to create it. Rune Cost: High |
DoomRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 67 Axes, Hammers, Polearms | 5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped +2 To All Skills +45% Increased Attack Speed +330-370% Enhanced Damage -40-60% To Enemy Cold Resistance +20% Deadly Strike +25% Chance Of Open Wounds Prevent Monster Heal Freezes Target +3 Requirements -20% | Inflicting chilling on monsters is easy because of the Holy Freeze aura. This is a good weapon for melee Druids and can be used with act 2 mercenaries. Unfortunately not as strong as other options physically, it is also a very expensive rune word to make. Rune Cost: High |
DragonRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 61 Armor, Shields | 20% Chance To Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck 12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped +360 Defense +230 Defense Vs. Missile +3-5 To All Attributes +(0.375*Clvl) To Strength (Based On Character Level) +5% To Maximum Lightning Resist Damage Reduced By 7 (Armor) Increase Maximum Mana 5% (Shields) +50 To Mana | Designed for melee characters who use their skills to complement their attacks. Rune Cost: High |
DreamRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 65 Headgear, Shields | 10% Chance To Cast Level 15 Confuse When Struck Level 15 Holy Shock Aura When Equipped +20-30% Faster Hit Recovery +30% Enhanced Defense +150-220 Defense +10 To Vitality +(0.625*Clvl) To Mana (Based On Character Level) All Resistances +5-20 12-25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (Headgear) Increase Maximum Life +5% (Shields) +50 To Life | A character can use two of these rune words since they can be used in both the primary hand and the off-hand slot. A Tesladin is a powerful Paladin who uses two Dream Runewords to get a level 30 Shock Aura, improved by points in Resist Lightning and Salvation while the Paladin uses Conviction as the offensive skill. While fun, many of these builds are only pursued by wealthy players. Rune Cost: High |
DuressRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 47 Armor | +40% Faster Hit Recovery +10-20% Enhanced Damage Adds 37-133 Cold Damage +15% Chance Of Crushing Blow +33% Chance Of Open Wounds +150-200% Enhanced Defense 20% Slower Stamina Drain Cold Resist +45% Lightning Resist +15% Fire Resist +15% Poison Resist +15% | Duress is relatively easy to construct and gives a high chance of Open Wounds, if paired with gear like Goblin Toe or Goblin Rider to increase Crushing Blow, it can take away the enemies' life quickly. It also has some decent defense and resist bonuses. Rune Cost: Medium |
EdgeRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 25 Missile Weapons | Level 15 Thorns Aura When Equipped +35% Increased Attack Speed +320-380% Damage To Demons +280% Damage To Undead +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds 7% Life Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal +5-10 To All Attributes +2 To Mana After Each Kill Reduces All Vendor Prices By 15% | Edge has the very rare attribute 'Reduce All Vendor Prices' and is reasonably cheap. Perfect to keep as a second hand if you need to do some gambling. It also has some solid attributes to improve the damage output of melee skills. Rune Cost: Low |
EnigmaRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 65 Armor | +2 To All Skills +45% Faster Run/Walk 1 To Teleport +750-775 Defense +(0.75*Clvl) To Strength (Based On Character Level) Increase Maximum Life +5% Damage Reduced By 8% +14 Life After Each Kill +15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana (1*Clvl)% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level) | The infamous and godlike Enigma, only obtained by a handful of dedicated players. It bestows its owners with a +1 to Teleport, making any class able to Teleport around. Most commonly used for the exceptional and elite versions of the Light Plate. Despite the extremely high price, it does not offer any boost to resistances which is a problem in Hell difficulty. But it does, however, grant a massive strength bonus allowing your character to wear heavy equipment without spending a lot of stat points. The Amazon is the only class that is potentially faster on foot than with the Teleport due to her very slow casting speed Rune Cost: HighPrice Information Avg. Price: 1-3 Ber runes depending on armor type and defense |
EnlightenmentRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 45 Armor | 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Blaze When Struck 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Fireball On Striking +2 To Sorceress Skill Levels +1 To Warmth +30% Enhanced Defense Fire Resist +30% Damage Reduced By 7 | Intended for the Sorceress class and offers little interest outside of +2 skills. Rune Cost: Medium |
EternityRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 63 All Melee Weapons | Indestructible +260-310% Enhanced Damage +9 To Minimum Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +20% Chance Of Crushing Blow Hit Blinds Target Slows Target By 33% Replenish Mana 16% Cannot Be Frozen 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Level 8 Revive (88 Charges) | The damage output on Eternity might be a bit lacking compared to other rune words in this range, this is more of a defensive-oriented weapon. Although this rune word offers Indestructible, using it in an ethereal weapon means that the Revive charges cannot be replenished. Rune Cost: High |
ExileRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 57 Shields | 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped +2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) +30% Faster Block Rate Freezes Target +220-260% Enhanced Defense Replenish Life +7 +5% To Maximum Cold Resist +5% To Maximum Fire Resist 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Repairs 1 Durability In 4 Seconds | Exile is one of the best options for many Paladin builds and is the best shield for physical defense. Works great on Ethreal Shields as the item repairs itself over time. Rune Cost: High |
FaithRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 65 Missile Weapons | Level 12-15 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped +1-2 To All Skills +330% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense 300% Bonus To Attack Rating +75% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead +120 Fire Damage All Resistances +15 10% Reanimate As: Returned 75% Extra Gold From Monsters | Faith makes one of the most damaging Missile weapons in the game, physically. Great damage, attack speed, and a Fanatism aura make this one of the best options for Bowazons. Rune Cost: HighPrice InformationSocketed in Grand Matron Bow with +3 To Bow skills and 12-13 Fanaticsm aura: Ber rune or more Socketed in Grand Matron Bow with +3 To Bow skills and 14 Fanaticsm aura: 4 Ber runes Socketed in Grand Matron Bow with +3 To Bow skills and 15 Fanaticsm aura: 5 Ber runes Socketed in Perfect Grand Matron Bow with +3 To Bow skills and 15 Fanaticsm aura: 15 Ber runes or more |
FamineRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 65 Axes, Hammers | +30% Increased Attack Speed +320-370% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense Adds 180-200 Magic Damage Adds 50-200 Fire Damage Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage Adds 50-200 Cold Damage 12% Life Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Strength | Different elemental damage properties are useful against enemies that are physically immune. A good amount of physical damage and a good amount of life leech. Rune Cost: High |
Flickering FlameRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 50 Headgear | Level 4-8 Resist Fire Aura When Equipped +3 To Fire Skills -10-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance +30% Enhanced Defense +30 Defense Vs. Missile +50-75 To Mana Half Freeze Duration +5% To Maximum Fire Resist Poison Length Reduced By 50% | Rune Cost: High |
FortitudeRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 59 All Weapons and Armor | 20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor When Struck +25% Faster Cast Rate +300% Enhanced Damage +200% Enhanced Defense +((8-12)*0.125*Clvl)) To Life (Based On Character Level) All Resistances +25-30 +12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana 1 To Light Radius (Weapon) +9 To Minimum Damage (Weapon) +50 To Attack Rating (Weapon) +20% Deadly Strike (Weapon) Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25% (Armor) +15 Defense (Armor) Replenish Life +7 (Armor) +5% To Maximum Lightning Resist (Armor) Damage Reduced By 7 | Fortitude can be made in both weapons and armors. It increases both damage and defense with extra defense because of Chilling Armor. The damage bonus in armors makes it great in a build centered on physical damage or as a hireling armor. Rune Cost: HighPrice Information Avg. Price: 1-2 Ber runes or more depending on roll and armour |
FuryRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 65 All Melee Weapons | +40% Increased Attack Speed +209% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense -25% Target Defense 20% Bonus To Attack Rating 6% Life Stolen Per Hit +33% Deadly Strike +66% Chance Of Open Wounds +5 To Frenzy (Barbarian Only) Prevent Monster Heal | The big bonus to Frenzy makes this useful for Barbarians that specialize in that skill. Due to the large bonuses to Attack speed, Open Wounds and Deadly Strike other classes might also find some use for this rune word. Rune Cost: High |
GloomRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 47 Armor | 15% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck +10% Faster Hit Recovery +200-260% Enhanced Defense +10 To Strength All Resistances +45 Half Freeze Duration +5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana -3 To Light Radius | Defensive rune word with a focus on defense and resistances. Rune Cost: Medium |
GriefRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 59 Swords & Axes | 35% Chance To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking +30-40% Increased Attack Speed Damage +340-400 Ignore Target Defense -25% Target Defense (1.875*Clvl)% Damage To Demons (Based On Character Level) Adds 5-30 Fire Damage -20-25% To Enemy Poison Resistance +20% Deadly Strike Prevent Monster Heal +2 To Mana After Each Kill +10-15 Life After Each Kill | One of the most in-demand rune words in Diablo II. While it might not look like it at first glance, the pure damage properties this rune word provides act as if it was added to weapon damage directly. However, this is not displayed on the character screen, so the actual damage is much higher than what is normally displayed. In a very fast low damage weapon such as a Phase Blade, Grief has a great effect. When made in a fast-swinging weapon, it is one of the best weapons in the game in terms of physical damage per second. The very same damage modifier is also one of the few that work with Smite, making it popular with certain Paladin builds utilizing this skill. Ignores Target's Defense doesn't work in player versus player and does not work against Act Bosses. If a hireling is equipped with Ignore Target's Defense item (such as desert mercenary with The Reaper's Toll), it has no effect either. Rune Cost: HighPrice InformationLow Rolls: Around 8-10 Ist runes Mid Rolls: Around 13 Ist runes High Rolls: 2 Ber runes Socketed in Phase Blade with 35+ IAS and 390+ Dmg: 4-5 Ber runes Perfect rolls and socketed in a Phase Blade: Around 15 Ber Socketed in Berserker Axe with 34+ IAS and 390+ Dmg: 10 Ber runes Perfect rolls and socketed in a Berserker Axe: 20 Ber |
GroundRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 35 Headgear (Ladder only) | +20% Faster Hit Recovery +75-100% Enhanced Defense +10 To Vitality Increase Maximum Life +5% Lightning Resist +40-60% Lightning Absorb +10-15% | Rune Cost: Low |
Hand of JusticeRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 67 All Weapons | 100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level Up 100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped +33% Increased Attack Speed +280-330% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense -20% To Enemy Cold Resistance 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +20% Deadly Strike Hit Blinds Target Freezes Target +3 | The interesting attribute on Hand of Justice is the Holy Fire aura, together with the Dragon rune word it can give you a very high-level Holy Fire skill. Rune Cost: High |
HarmonyRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 39 Missile Weapons | Level 10 Vigor Aura When Equipped +200-275% Enhanced Damage +9 To Minimum Damage +9 To Maximum Damage Adds 55-160 Fire Damage Adds 55-160 Lightning Damage Adds 55-160 Cold Damage +2-6 To Valkyrie +10 To Dexterity Regenerate Mana 20% +2 To Mana After Each Kill 2 To Light Radius Level 20 Revive (25 Charges) | Gives any character with a missile weapon access to the Valkyrie and Revie summon skills. Also provides faster running and some elemental damage. A good option for the mid-game. Rune Cost: MediumPrice InformationSocketed in Flail with Low Rolls: 2 Ist runes Socketed in Flail with Mid Rolls: 4 Ist runes Socketed in Flail with High Rolls: 7-9 Ist runes Socketed in Flail with Perfect Rolls: 14 or more Ist runes |
Heart of the OakRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 55 Staves & Maces | +3 To All Skills +40% Faster Cast Rate +75% Damage To Demons +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons Adds 3-14 Cold Damage 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit +10 To Dexterity Replenish Life +20 Increase Maximum Mana 15% All Resistances +30-40 Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges) Level 14 Raven (60 Charges) | Mostly referred to as HOTO, this rune word is very useful for any caster class. The weapon's melee damage is not important as it is a caster weapon that is mostly used by Hammerdins, Elemental Druids, Fire and Lightning Sorceresses, and sometimes Trap Assassins. Rune Cost: High |
HearthRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 35 Headgear (Ladder only) | +20% Faster Hit Recovery +75-100% Enhanced Defense +10 To Vitality Increase Maximum Life +5% Cold Resist +40-60% Cold Absorb +10-15% Cannot Be Frozen | Rune Cost: Low |
Holy ThunderRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 23 Scepters | +60% Enhanced Damage +10 To Maximum Damage -25% Target Defense Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Adds 21-110 Lightning Damage +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds +3 To Holy Shock (Paladin Only) +5% To Maximum Lightning Resist Lightning Resist +60% Level 7 Chain Lightning (60 Charges) | An okay weapon for lower-level Paladins and easy to make. Unfortunately, a 4 socketed War Scepter is not possible to get in normal difficulty making it hard for new players to utilize this weapon early on. Rune Cost: Lowest |
HonorRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 27 All Melee Weapons | +1 To All Skills +160% Enhanced Damage +9 To Minimum Damage +9 To Maximum Damage +250 To Attack Rating 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +25% Deadly Strike +10 To Strength Replenish Life +10 +2 To Mana After Each Kill +1 To Light Radius | Easy rune word to collect and a great option for players that have not yet found their Best In Slot weapon. With an array of solid attributes for improving damage output and at the same time steal some life, this is great for offensive classes as the Barbarian or Paladin. All of the runes of Honor can be found off the Countess in Nightmare difficulty. Rune Cost: Low |
HustleRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 39 All Weapons and Armor (Ladder only) | (Armor) +65% Faster Run/Walk (Armor) +40% Increased Attack Speed (Armor) +20% Faster Hit Recovery (Armor) +6 to Evade (Armor) 50% Slower Stamina Drain (Armor) All Resistances +10 (Weapon) Werewolf strikes grant Mark for 5 seconds (Weapon) Level 1 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped (Weapon) +30% Increased Attack Speed (Weapon) +180-200% Enhanced Damage (Weapon) +75% Damage To Undead (Weapon) +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead +10 To Dexterity | Rune Cost: Low |
IceRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 65 Missile Weapons | 100% Chance To Cast Level 40 Blizzard When You Level Up 25% Chance To Cast Level 22 Frost Nova On Striking Level 18 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped +20% Increased Attack Speed +140-210% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense +25-30% To Cold Skill Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit -20% To Enemy Cold Resistance +20% Deadly Strike (3.125*Clvl)% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based On Character Level) | Ice grants a Holy Freeze aura, and can leech life and proc Frost Novas which makes it good for Cold Arrow Rouges mercenaries. For Amazons who use Freezing Arrow, Ice will be one of the best weapons to use. For normal bow Amazons it is a bit lacking but can be useful even though it has low damage, mostly because of its slowing capabilities. Rune Cost: High |
InfinityRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 63 Polearms, Spears, Amazon Spears | 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Chain Lightning When You Kill An Enemy Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped +35% Faster Run/Walk +255-325% Enhanced Damage -45-55% To Enemy Lightning Resistance +40% Chance Of Crushing Blow Prevent Monster Heal +(0.5*Clvl) To Vitality (Based On Character Level) 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Level 21 Cyclone Armor (30 Charges) | Characters that deal elemental damage will benefit greatly from using this on their mercenaries as it reduces the elemental resistances of enemies. Highly sought after as it can only be constructed on a Ladder and uses expensive runes. Note that minus Lightning resist only works for the character that has the weapon equipped, it will therefore not provide any bonus to your Lightning skills when equipped on the mercenary. Rune Cost: HighPrice Information Avg. Price: 2 Ber runes |
InsightRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 27 Polearms, Staves, Bows, Crossbows | Level 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped +35% Faster Cast Rate +200-260% Enhanced Damage +9 To Minimum Damage 180-250% Bonus To Attack Rating Adds 5-30 Fire Damage +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds +1-6 To Critical Strike +5 To All Attributes +2 To Mana After Each Kill 23% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items | Insight is a relatively cheap rune word for polearms and staves and it provides a meditation aura. It is popular among casters, and players usually let their Act 2 mercenaries carry them. Rune Cost: LowestPrice InformationSocketed in Ethereal Colossus Voulge with lvl 17 Meditation Aura: 2-3 Ist runes Socketed in Ethereal Cryptic Axe with lvl 17 Meditation Aura: 2-3 Ist Socketed in Ethereal Giant Thresher with lvl 17 Meditation Aura: 3 or more Ist runes |
King's GraceRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 25 Swords, Scepters | +100% Enhanced Damage +150 To Attack Rating +100% Damage To Demons +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons +50% Damage To Undead +100 To Attack Rating Against Undead Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Adds 3-14 Cold Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit | King's Grace is a possible weapon switch Rune word, it provides mediocre damage modifiers and is slightly better against demons and undead. Rune Cost: Lowest |
KingslayerRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 53 Swords, Axes | +30% Increased Attack Speed +230-270% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense 20% Bonus To Attack Rating +33% Chance Of Crushing Blow +50% Chance Of Open Wounds +1 To Vengeance Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Strength 40% Extra Gold From Monsters | Kingslayer is a Rune word for melee classes who specializes in swords or axes. It is a fairly expensive Rune word that offers a high chance of crushing Blow and Open Wounds. The +1 to the Vengeance skill lets the player deal large amounts of elemental damage. Rune Cost: High |
Last WishRequired Sockets: 6Character lvl Req: 65 Axes, Hammers, Swords | 6% Chance To Cast Level 11 Fade When Struck 10% Chance To Cast Level 18 Life Tap On Striking 20% Chance To Cast Level 20 Charged Bolt On Attack Level 17 Might Aura When Equipped +330-375% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target Defense +60-70% Chance Of Crushing Blow Prevent Monster Heal Hit Blinds Target (0.5*Clvl)% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level) | Last Wish is an expensive rune word with a high damage modifier and a 200% bonus from the auto-equipped Might aura. It also has a high percentage for Crushing Blow, and the magic find is nice. Rune Cost: High |
LawbringerRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 43 Hammers, Scepters, Swords | 20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Decrepify On Striking Level 16-18 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped -50% Target Defense Adds 150-210 Fire Damage Adds 130-180 Cold Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit Slain Monsters Rest In Peace +200-250 Defense Vs. Missile +10 To Dexterity 75% Extra Gold From Monsters | Lawbringer is used in swords, hammers and scepters and offers the Slain Monsters Rest in Peace modifier. This makes it a powerful switch weapon against enemies that uses corpses, like Nihlathak. Lawbringer is for attackers focusing on speed as it offers Decryptify and a Sanctuary aura. The Sanctuary aura allows physical damage to ignore resistance on undead enemies, it's a viable weapon to equip your Act 5 Barbarian Warrior because your hireling will be able to counter Physical Immune monsters. Rune Cost: Medium |
LeafRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 19 Staves | +3 To Fire Skills Adds 5-30 Fire Damage +3 To Inferno (Sorceress Only) +3 To Warmth (Sorceress Only) +3 To Fire Bolt (Sorceress Only) +(2*Clvl) To Defense (Based On Character Level) Cold Resist +33% +2 To Mana After Each Kill | Leaf is excellent for low-level Sorceresses using staves. It provides a Warmth bonus which helps a lot with mana regeneration. Both runes are easily obtained, Ral as a reward for an Act V quest and both as common drops from The Countess. The low requirement level allows the player to have an easy time until mid-Nightmare or even Hell. Rune Cost: Lowest |
LionheartRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 41 Armor | +20% Enhanced Damage +25 To Strength +15 To Dexterity +20 To Vitality +10 To Energy +50 To Life All Resistances +30 Requirements -15% | Used in body armors, which is good for mid-level characters that provide enhanced damage, status boosts, or resistance armor. Rune Cost: Medium |
LoreRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 27 Headgear | +1 To All Skills +10 To Energy Lightning Resist +30% Damage Reduced By 7 +2 To Mana After Each Kill +2 To Light Radius | One of the easiest combinations to find as most players will encounter these runes on regular playthroughs of the game. A nice skill boost and some mana recuperation after each kill make this an all-around solid rune word. Rune Cost: Low |
MaliceRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 15 All Melee Weapons | +33% Enhanced Damage +9 To Maximum Damage -25% Target Defense +50 To Attack Rating +100% Chance Of Open Wounds Prevent Monster Heal -100 To Monster Defense Per Hit Drain Life -5 | Used in melee weapons with a minor damage modifier. It provides prevention of monster recovery and guaranteed Open Wounds. To bring this weapon to its full potential Life regeneration 5+ or prayer aura provided by Act II hireling is necessary. Rune Cost: Lowest |
MelodyRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 39 Missile Weapons | +3 To Bow And Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) +20% Increased Attack Speed +50% Enhanced Damage +300% Damage To Undead +3 To Slow Missiles (Amazon Only) +3 To Dodge (Amazon Only) +3 To Critical Strike (Amazon Only) Knockback +10 To Dexterity | Melody is a rune word for missile weapons that offer increased attack speed and a massive bonus to bow and crossbow skill. It's one of the best weapons for Amazones specializing in bow skills when created on a fast amazon-specific bow with high auto modifiers. Rune Cost: Medium |
MemoryRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 37 Staves | +3 To Sorceress Skill Levels +33% Faster Cast Rate +9 To Minimum Damage -25% Target Defense +3 To Energy Shield (Sorceress Only) +2 To Static Field (Sorceress Only) +50% Enhanced Defense +10 To Vitality +10 To Energy Increase Maximum Mana 20% Magic Damage Reduced by 7 | Used in Staves and is useful for Energy Shiels Sorceresses as a pre-buff for casting Energy Shield. Rune Cost: Low |
MetamorphosisRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 67 Headgear (Ladder only) | Werewolf strikes grant Mark for 180 seconds Mark of the Wolf: +30% Bonus to Attack Rating, Increase Maximum Life 40% Werebear strikes grant Mark for 180 seconds Mark of the Bear: +25% Attack Speed, Physical Damage Received Reduced by 20% +5 To Shapeshifting Skills (Druid Only) +25% Chance Of Crushing Blow +50-80% Enhanced Defense +10 To Strength +10 To Vitality All Resistances +10 Cannot Be Frozen | Rune Cost: Medium |
MistRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 50 Missile Weapons | Level 8-12 Concentration Aura When Equipped +3 To All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed +100% Piercing Attack +325-375% Enhanced Damage +9 To Maximum Damage 20% Bonus To Attack Rating Adds 3-14 Cold Damage Freezes Target +24 To Vitality All Resistances +40 | Rune Cost: Medium |
MosaicRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 53 Claws (Ladder only) | +50% chance for finishing moves to not consume charges +2 To Martial Arts (Assassin Only) +20% Increased Attack Speed +200-250% Enhanced Damage 20% Bonus To Attack Rating 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +8-15% To Cold Skill Damage +8-15% To Lightning Skill damage +8-15% To Fire Skill damage Prevent Monster Heal | Rune Cost: Medium |
MythRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 25 Armor | 3% Chance To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck 10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking +2 To Barbarian Skill Levels +30 Defense Vs. Missile Replenish Life +10 Attacker Takes Damage Of 14 Requirements -15% | Intended for Barbarians. Hel is the highest rune in this Rune word which makes it a cheaper alternative to more expensive +2 skills armors for warcry pre-buffing. Rune Cost: Lowest |
NadirRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 13 Headgear | +50% Enhanced Defense +10 Defense +30 Defense Vs. Missile +5 To Strength +2 To Mana After Each Kill 33% Extra Gold From Monsters -3 To Light Radius Level 13 Cloak Of Shadows (9 Charges) | Nadir's best modifier is the Cloak of Shadows charges, which allows the player to disable ranged attacks for a small period. The charges are expensive to repair, and it's a viable option to make new ones for more charges. Rune Cost: Lowest |
OathRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 59 Axes, Maces, Swords | Indestructible 30% Chance To Cast Level 20 Bone Spirit On Striking +50% Increased Attack Speed +210-340% Enhanced Damage +75% Damage To Demons +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Energy 10-15 Magic Absorb Level 16 Heart Of Wolverine (20 Charges) Level 17 Iron Golem (14 Charges) | Used in swords, axes, and maces. Oath works well with ethereal weapons due to its indestructibility modifier, and with a high roll its damage output can rival the best weapons in the game while costing a lot less. Defensively it offers general purpose magic absorb, which can be stacked. Rune Cost: Medium |
ObedienceRequired Sockets: 5Character lvl Req: 41 Polearms, Amazon Spears | 30% Chance To Cast Level 21 Enchant When You Kill An Enemy +40% Faster Hit Recovery +370% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense Adds 3-14 Cold Damage (3 Seconds Duration, Normal) -25% To Enemy Fire Resistance +40% Chance Of Crushing Blow +200-300 Defense +10 To Strength +10 To Dexterity All Resistances +20-30 Requirements -20% | With extremely high damage, 40% chance of crushing blow, a large enhanced attack rating bonus proc, 40% faster hit recovery and a defense and resistance boost, Obedience is an excellent way to level the battlefield on Hell Difficulty. All this for two common runes and three runes that are easily obtained. It's also equipable by Act 2 mercenaries and is one of the best weapons available for them for a good price. Rune Cost: Medium |
ObsessionRequired Sockets: 6Character lvl Req: 50 Staves | Indestructible 24% Chance To Cast Level 10 Weaken When Struck +4 To All Skills +65% Faster Cast Rate +60% Faster Hit Recovery Knockback +10 To Vitality +10 To Energy Increase Maximum Life +15-25% Regenerate Mana 15-30% All Resistances +60-70 75% Extra Gold From Monsters 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items | Rune Cost: High |
PassionRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 43 All Weapons | +25% Increased Attack Speed +160-210% Enhanced Damage 50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating +75% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage +1 To Berserk +1 To Zeal (Paladin Only) Hit Blinds Target +10 Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25% 75% Extra Gold From Monsters Level 3 Heart Of Wolverine (12 Charges) | Passion is a Rune word for different weapons, it offers quite a bit of crowd control via 'Hit Cause Monsters to Flee' and 'Hit Blinds Target'. The Zeal and Berserk skills only work with melee weapons, but the crowd control still makes it useful for missile weapon users. Rune Cost: Medium |
PatternRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 50 Claws | +30% Faster Block Rate +40-80% Enhanced Damage 10% Bonus To Attack Rating Adds 17-62 Fire Damage Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage Adds 3-14 Cold Damage +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds +6 To Strength +6 To Dexterity All Resistances +15 | Rune Cost: Lowest |
PeaceRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 29 Armor | 4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck 2% Chance To Cast Level 15 Valkyrie On Striking +2 To Amazon Skill Levels +20% Faster Hit Recovery +2-2 To Critical Strike Cold Resist +30% Attacker Takes Damage Of 14 | Intended for the amazon class. Peace is a very cheap way to obtain +2 skills on armor for Amazons. Rune Cost: Low |
PhoenixRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 65 Weapons, Shields | 100% Chance To Cast Level 40 Blaze When You Level Up 40% Chance To Cast Level 22 Firestorm On Striking Level 10-15 Redemption Aura When Equipped +350-400% Enhanced Damage -28% To Enemy Fire Resistance +350-400 Defense Vs. Missile +15-21 Fire Absorb Ignore Target Defense (Weapons) 14% Mana Stolen Per Hit (Weapons) +20% Deadly Strike (Shields) +50 To Life (Shields) +5% To Maximum Lightning Resist (Shields) +10% To Maximum Fire Resist | Phoenix is a Rune word for weapons and off-hand armor, and it is the only way to get enhanced damage on a shield aside from jewels. Phoenix is the most damaging shield for Smiters to use, and the minus fire resist is also useful for characters who specialize in fire damage. Rune Cost: High |
PlagueRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 50 Swords, Claws, Daggers | 20% Chance To Cast Level 12 Lower Resist When Struck 25% Chance To Cast Level 15 Poison Nova On Striking Level 13-17 Cleansing Aura When Equipped +1-2 To All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed +220-320% Enhanced Damage -23% To Enemy Poison Resistance 0.3% To Deadly Strike (Based On Character Level) +25% Chance Of Open Wounds Freezes Target +3 | Rune Cost: High |
PrideRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 67 Polearms, Amazon Spears | 25% Chance To Cast Level 17 Fire Wall When Struck Level 16-20 Concentration Aura When Equipped 260-300% Bonus To Attack Rating (1*Clvl)% Damage To Demons (Based On Character Level) Adds 50-280 Lightning Damage +20% Deadly Strike Hit Blinds Target Freezes Target +3 +10 To Vitality Replenish Life +8 (1.875*Clvl)% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based On Character Level) | The damage is mediocre considering the rarity of its runes, but the Concentration aura makes up for it a little bit. Pride is particularly useful for characters that use a lot of minions, as the aura benefits the entire party. Rune Cost: High |
PrincipleRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 55 Armor | 100% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking +2 To Paladin Skill Levels +50% Damage To Undead +100-150 To Life 15% Slower Stamina Drain +5% To Maximum Poison Resist Fire Resist +30% | Is intended for the Paladin class. The +2 to Paladin skills and life bonus are handy for any Paladin that fights close range, but the Gul rune is quite a rare find. Rune Cost: High |
PrudenceRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 49 Armor | +25% Faster Hit Recovery +140-170% Enhanced Defense All Resistances +25-35 Damage Reduced By 3 Magic Damage Reduced by 17 +2 To Mana After Each Kill 1 To Light Radius Repairs 1 Durability In 4 Seconds | Useful if you need some defense, resistance, and Faster Hit Recovery. If you put it onto an ethereal armor it will self-repair. Rune Cost: Medium |
RadianceRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 27 Headgear | +75% Enhanced Defense +30 Defense Vs. Missile +10 To Vitality +10 To Energy +33 To Mana Damage Reduced By 7 Magic Damage Reduced by 3 +15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana +5 To Light Radius | Slightly improve its wearer's life and mana pools, reduces damage taken, and restores mana when the player takes damage. Rune Cost: Lowest |
RainRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 49 Armor | 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Cyclone Armor When Struck 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Twister On Striking +2 To Druid Skill Levels +100-150 To Mana Lightning Resist +30% Magic Damage Reduced by 7 +15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana | Intended for the Druid class. It gives a boost to maximum Mana and Mana recovery from damage, which is useful for an Elemental Druid. Rune Cost: Medium |
RhymeRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 29 Shields | +40% Faster Block Rate 20% Increased Chance Of Blocking Regenerate Mana 15% All Resistances +25 Cannot Be Frozen 50% Extra Gold From Monsters 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items | One of the deadliest conditions a character can suffer is the slowness triggered by cold attacks. Rhyme negates this effect, which makes this especially useful for melee characters in Hell difficulty, where many monsters deal cold damage with long chill durations. Rhyme also has the highest Magic Find value in a shield, outside of using Ist runes in a shield with sockets. Rune Cost: Low |
RiftRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 53 Polearms, Scepters | 25% Chance To Cast Level 16 Tornado On Striking 16% Chance To Cast Level 21 Frozen Orb On Attack 20% Bonus To Attack Rating Adds 160-250 Magic Damage Adds 60-180 Fire Damage +5-10 To All Attributes +10 To Dexterity +38% Damage Taken Goes To Mana 75% Extra Gold From Monsters Level 15 Iron Maiden (40 Charges) Requirements -20% | This adds no physical damage, but instead gives a lot of elemental damage. It also gives you the agility to use frozen orbs and tornadoes all over the place. Rune Cost: High |
SanctuaryRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 49 Shields | +20% Faster Hit Recovery +20% Faster Block Rate 20% Increased Chance Of Blocking +130-160% Enhanced Defense +250 Defense Vs. Missile +20 To Dexterity All Resistances +50-70 Magic Damage Reduced by 7 Level 12 Slow Missiles (60 Charges) | Provides a large boost to defense, high resistances, faster block rate, and charges of Slow Missiles which makes it an excellent defensive shield. Any class can benefit from the high resistances, improved blocking, and defense that is given by this shield. Rune Cost: Medium |
SilenceRequired Sockets: 6Character lvl Req: 55 Weapons | +2 To All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed +20% Faster Hit Recovery +200% Enhanced Damage +75% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead 11% Mana Stolen Per Hit Hit Blinds Target +33 Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25% All Resistances +75 +2 To Mana After Each Kill 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Requirements -20% | Expensive but with powerful and diverse attributes. This rune word is of use to a variety of builds and is versatile among many classes, and the increased magic find is also nice. Rune Cost: High |
SmokeRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 37 Armor | +20% Faster Hit Recovery +75% Enhanced Defense +280 Defense Vs. Missile +10 To Energy All Resistances +50 -1 To Light Radius Level 6 Weaken (18 Charges) | Gives a substantial boost to resistances, hit recovery, and defense against missiles. Its requirements are quite cheap. Rune Cost: Low |
SpiritRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 25 Shields, Swords | +2 To All Skills +25-35% Faster Cast Rate +55% Faster Hit Recovery +250 Defense Vs. Missile +22 To Vitality +89-112 To Mana +3-8 Magic Absorb (Shields) Cold Resist +35% (Shields) Lightning Resist +35% (Shields) Poison Resist +35% (Shields) Attacker Takes Damage Of 14 (Swords) Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage (Swords) Adds 3-14 Cold Damage (3 Seconds Duration, Normal) (Swords) +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds (Swords) 7% Life Stolen Per Hit | One of the most flexible rune words as it goes in both main and off-hand items, the general consensus letting it sit in a shield. Many end-game builds use Monarch Shields where they try to roll for a perfect 35% Faster Cast Rate property, which allows most characters to reach a new breakpoint. Spirit Monarchs are also used in the secondary weapon slot to help increase stats when casting Battle Orders due to being the only shield that gives us +2 to All Skills. While the runes are easy to obtain, getting a shield with 4 sockets may be challenging: the only non-Paladin shields that can roll 4 sockets are elite Monarch, Ward, and Aegis. Rune Cost: LowPrice InformationSocketed in Crystal sword: Pul rune Socketed in Crystal sword: with 35% Faster Cast Rate: Um-Ist rune Socketed in Monarch: Um-Ist rune Socketed in Monarch with 35% Faster Cast Rate: 2 Ist runes Socketed in Monarch with 148 def, 112 mana and 35% Faster Cast Rate: 4 Ist runes 8x Spirit packs consisting of 8x of each Tal,Thul,Ort,Amn,Hel runes: Ist rune |
SplendorRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 37 Shields | +1 To All Skills +10% Faster Cast Rate +20% Faster Block Rate +60-100% Enhanced Defense +10 To Energy Regenerate Mana 15% 50% Extra Gold From Monsters 20% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items +3 To Light Radius | Intended for spellcaster but is sadly outclassed by the Spirit rune word. The necromancer shrunken head can only have two sockets so Splendor can be used to increase its power. Rune Cost: Low |
StealthRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 17 Armor | +25% Faster Run/Walk +25% Faster Cast Rate +25% Faster Hit Recovery +6 To Dexterity Regenerate Mana 15% +15 To Maximum Stamina Poison Resist +30% Magic Damage Reduced by 3 | Another affordable rune word that is great for spellcasters and Assassins. Perfect for low level characters Rune Cost: Lowest |
SteelRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 13 Swords, Axes, Maces | +25% Increased Attack Speed +20% Enhanced Damage +3 To Minimum Damage +3 To Maximum Damage +50 To Attack Rating +50% Chance Of Open Wounds +2 To Mana After Each Kill +1 To Light Radius | Steel is a rune word for swords, axes, and maces and is easy to make. This Rune can be useful to melee characters in the early game. Rune Cost: Lowest |
StoneRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 47 Armor | +60% Faster Hit Recovery +250-290% Enhanced Defense +300 Defense Vs. Missile +16 To Strength +16 To Vitality +10 To Energy All Resistances +15 Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges) Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges) | Overshadowed by the more popular rune words Chains of Honor and Enigma, Stone is cheaper to make and gives players useful bonuses mid-to-late game. It increases several defensive stats and gives a significantly increased hit recovery. While Stone is not intended for a particular class, characters with strength will be able to wear heavier armor and benefit more from the increased defense. The ability to summon a level 16 Clay Golem is a useful feature for additional protection, especially on Hardcore mode. Rune Cost: Medium |
StrengthRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 25 Melee Weapons | +35% Enhanced Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +25% Chance Of Crushing Blow +20 To Strength +10 To Vitality +2 To Mana After Each Kill | Strength offers quite low damage modifiers compared to the level it is found/made. It gives a large amount of Crushing blow which is nice, and the other attributes it gives are generally useful for melee characters. Rune Cost: Low |
TemperRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 35 Headgear (Ladder only) | +20% Faster Hit Recovery +75-100% Enhanced Defense +10 To Vitality Increase Maximum Life +5% Fire Resist +40-60% Fire Absorb +10-15% | Rune Cost: Low |
TreacheryRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 43 Armor | 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Fade When Struck 25% Chance To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking +2 To Assassin Skill Levels +45% Increased Attack Speed +20% Faster Hit Recovery Cold Resist +30% 50% Extra Gold From Monsters | Mainly intended for the Assassin class but can be beneficial for casting Fade or the massive Increased attack Speed for any class. It is usually used for the pre-buff effect: put it on and stand in a fire until Fade procs, then swap back to your preferred armor. This is one of the best hireling armors in the game when made into an ethereal elite armor because of the increased attack speed greatly increasing the hireling's damage output. Rune Cost: Medium |
Unbending WillRequired Sockets: 6Character lvl Req: 50 Swords | 18% Chance To Cast Level 18 Taunt On Striking +3 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) +20-30% Increased Attack Speed +300-350% Enhanced Damage +9 To Maximum Damage +50 To Attack Rating +75% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Strength +10 To Vitality Damage Reduced By 8 1 To Light Radius Requirements -20% | Rune Cost: Medium |
VenomRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 49 All Weapons | Ignore Target Defense +273 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25% Level 13 Poison Nova (11 Charges) Level 15 Poison Explosion (27 Charges) | Venom is a rune word for weapons that fit its name. The player ignores the monster's defenses, poisons it, and stops its healing, then makes it flee as the poison kills it. Rune Cost: Medium |
Voice of ReasonRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 43 Maces, Swords | 15% Chance To Cast Level 13 Frozen Orb On Striking 18% Chance To Cast Level 20 Ice Blast On Striking +50 To Attack Rating +220-350% Damage To Demons +355-375% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead Adds 100-220 Cold Damage -24% To Enemy Cold Resistance +10 To Dexterity Cannot Be Frozen 75% Extra Gold From Monsters +1 To Light Radius | Voice of Reason is similar to the Rift rune word. Its main focus is not physical damage increase, but its spell procs, which can let a fast attacker cast a lot of cold sorceresses spells with resistance piercing abilities. Rune Cost: Medium |
WealthRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 43 Armor | +10 To Dexterity +2 To Mana After Each Kill 300% Extra Gold From Monsters 100% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items | Wealth is a rune word for body armor that fits its name and is generally a Gold Finders armor. Skullder's Ire has better potential for magic find but is a very rare drop, and its bonuses are only greater than wealth at very high character levels. Rune Cost: Medium |
WhiteRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 35 Wands | +3 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only) +20% Faster Cast Rate +2 To Bone Spear (Necromancer Only) +4 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only) +3 To Bone Armor (Necromancer Only) Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25% +10 To Vitality +13 To Mana Magic Damage Reduced by 4 | Popular among Bonemancers and other Necromancers. It is popular because of the possibility of finding a socketed wand that already has + skills for certain abilities. The most sought-after is the +3 to Bone spear or Bone spirit or Poison nova or Lower resist. Rune Cost: Low |
WindRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 61 Melee Weapons | 10% Chance To Cast Level 9 Tornado On Striking +20% Faster Run/Walk +40% Increased Attack Speed +15% Faster Hit Recovery +120-160% Enhanced Damage -50% Target Defense +50 To Attack Rating Hit Blinds Target +1 To Light Radius Level 13 Twister (127 Charges) | Wind is for melee weapons and offers several speed-related bonuses. In terms of actual damage, it offers very little, and the rare Sur rune makes it less appealing. Rune Cost: High |
WisdomRequired Sockets: 3Character lvl Req: 50 Headgear | +33% Piercing Attack 15-25% Bonus To Attack Rating 4-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit +30% Enhanced Defense +10 To Energy 15% Slower Stamina Drain Cannot Be Frozen +5 To Mana After Each Kill +15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana | Rune Cost: Lowest |
WrathRequired Sockets: 4Character lvl Req: 63 Missile Weapons | 30% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking 5% Chance To Cast Level 10 Life Tap On Striking +375% Damage To Demons +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons +250-300% Damage To Undead Adds 85-120 Magic Damage Adds 41-240 Lightning Damage +20% Chance Of Crushing Blow Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Energy Cannot Be Frozen | Wrath has stats that may look a bit odd or bad, but is good. Curse activates frequently allowing Crushing Blow to do a lot of damage despite the inferior damage with the bow. Damage to demons is good against all end-Act bosses, and damage to undead covers a lot of the regular monsters. Rune Cost: High |
ZephyrRequired Sockets: 2Character lvl Req: 21 Missile Weapons | 7% Chance To Cast Level 1 Twister When Struck +25% Faster Run/Walk +25% Increased Attack Speed +35% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense +66 To Attack Rating Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage +25 Defense | Zephyr is a rune word for missile weapons which is cheap and useful for low-level Bowazons. It has low damage bonuses but can reduce enemy defense, increase attack speed and movement speed, and add lightning damage which makes it a reasonable weapon in the early game. Rune Cost: Lowest |