
The ilvl (Item level) of items that are dropped is equal to the monsters mLvl. In Nightmare and Hell the mLvl of a monster is equal to the aLvl (Area Level) of where the monster is found, except for:

  • Champions have monster level equal to +2 of the current Area Level
  • Uniques have monster level equal to +3 of the current Area Level
  • Super Uniques (Bosses) have their own special monster level

TC (Treasure Classes) range from 3-87 and is related to what kind of items a monster can drop. TC is the same as monster levels, except on Super Uniques where they do not relate to the mLvl! If a monster has TC lvl 87 it means it can drop all items in the game.

Refer to the table below for all Area Levels and Monster Levels / Treasure Class for each Super Unique

Act Location Information Normal aLvl Nightmare aLvl Hell aLvl
{{info.act}} {{info.location}}
Super Unique Monster
Monster Level Normal/Nightmare/Hell: {{info.mLvlNormal}} / {{info.mLvlNm}} / {{info.mLvlHell}}
Treasure Class Normal/Nightmare/Hell: {{info.tcNormal}} / {{info.tcNm}} / {{info.tcHell}}
Area level {{info.aLvlNormal}} {{info.aLvlNm}} {{info.aLvlHell}}