

Mainly intended for the Assassin class but can be beneficial for casting Fade or the massive Increased attack Speed for any class. It is usually used for the pre-buff effect: put it on and stand in a fire until Fade procs, then swap back to your preferred armor. This is one of the best hireling armors in the game when made into an ethereal elite armor because of the increased attack speed greatly increasing the hireling's damage output.

5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Fade When Struck
25% Chance To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking
+2 To Assassin Skill Levels
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +30%
50% Extra Gold From Monsters

Item Types: Armor

Required Sockets: 3
Character lvl Req: 43
Cost Requirement: Medium